
New York City

New York is Perfect for All Ages

We love visiting cities to explore culture, history and fun. I’ll have lots more tips coming soon!

Our Top 10 Must Dos in New York City

Eat at a Street Cart
Ride the Subway
Go to Central Park
Do Something Seasonal
Take Boat Ride
Go to FAO
Go to a Pop-Up Museum
Take a Class

Typical Costs When Traveling

Accommodations – Hotels are easy to find in New York. We tend to stay in Mid-Town – near Union Station and Times Square. We find it’s easiest to get to all the tourist destinations quickly from the center of the City. We usually just use Expedia to find the hotel we want within our price range.

Food – Oh my, eating through New York is the best thing ever. You don’t have to plan for snacks. There are so many options. Definately stop at a street cart at some point in your trip. From hot dogs to hallal, you can get great cheap eats on the go.

Food at Disney is expensive either way. Plan on spending at least $75/adult and $40/child per day in the park.

Transportation – We stick to Ubers or Subways when we are in town. Ubers are pricey and dicey on timing so make sure you take about double the time you need to get somewhere via car. Subways are more predictable but not always

Suggested daily budget – $175 for hotel, transportation and food. (Note: This is a suggested budget was set in 2020. However, if you stay in fancier accommodation or eat out more often, expect this to be higher!)

Money Saving Tips

Walk...A Lot Living the city on foot is amazing. It's great to walk from destination to destination. You also save on Ubers if you walk in-between activities.
Give your kids a budget Give them a budget in cash and when it's gone, it's gone!
Look for Seasonal Activities Seeing the Rockefeller Tree and the fancy store windows is all free. In the summer, look for free concerts and street fairs in Centeral and Bryant Park. There is always something free to do in the City.
Eat at a Street Cart For just a few bucks you can get a meal for the whole family. Lots of fun foods to try and walk with to your next activity.

My Must Have Guides For Traveling

Everything you neeed to know about traveling.

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What can I expect from New York City?

The City is great for kids of all ages. It ages with thier interest and activity level. Katrina asked to go to New York City for her 6th birthday and were happy to oblige. She loved the busy streets, subway rides and unique activities that only a big city can bring. We usually find ourselves in the city at least once every 2 years or so. So much to do and see.

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What are your tips for New York City travel? We’d love to hear it!